Home Guides Fully onchain strategy game Stratagems’ playtest live on Base

Fully onchain strategy game Stratagems’ playtest live on Base

Fully onchain strategy game Stratagems’ playtest live on Base


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Web3 game studio Etherplay’s Stratagems alpha playtest is now live on Base.

Deployed fully onchain, Stratagems is a turn-based strategy game where players aim to conquer as much prosperous Land as they can by staking ETH into islands being placed on a vast map of the sea. Each turn lasts for 24 hours, during which players place their stakes simultaneously without knowing how their opponent places their Lands. The challenge is to avoid staking on the same Land as someone else, as those Lands will be owned by no-one and considered non-prosperous. This also encourages collaboration between players.

Running for a total of two months, the playtest is divided into two phases of one month each. During the first month, 21st March to 21st April, players can get a strategic head start by trying to conquer as many Lands as possible. 

In the second phase, the score will be finalised based on how many GEMS a player has generated. GEMS are divided among players according to how many prosperous Lands each player has.

While in future builds players need to stake ETH to be able to play, this alpha is F2P and players can acquire their game-tokens via Stratagems’ Discord. At the end of the second month, the top five players with the highest amount of GEMS will be rewarded proportionally from a prize pool of $1,000.

In development since November 2022, work on Stratagems initially took off after winning the gaming category of the Arbitrum hackathon. It is an infinitely extending game world with open composability – or natural composability as the developer defines it – with no central authority in control.

With a sole focus on open source games and autonomous worlds, Etherplay has previously launched fully onchain strategy game Conquest.eth and Eternal.



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