Home Guides 31% of blockchain games discontinued or canned

31% of blockchain games discontinued or canned

31% of blockchain games discontinued or canned


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We’ve crunched all the data from the Big Blockchain Game List during 2023 and so can now can look at some trends arising.

As of January 2024, the list consists of 911 games, of which 334 are live and 577 in development.

In comparison, out of the total of 1,318 blockchain games that have ever been on the list since it started in 2021, 31% – or 407 games – are now listed as having been discontinued or canned. This means that either the developer has announced the project cancelled or that there has been prolonged inactivity.

Of the games officially announcing their cancellation, funding and market conditions arising from the crypto winter were the most common reason given. However most of the discontinued games didn’t announce anything and just seem to have stopped operations.

Of the 162 discontinued games in H2 2023, the largest group, 17%, were listed as multichain, which makes sense in light of the continued rise of games integrating with two or more blockchains.

Single chains experiencing the highest levels of discontinued games were

  • BNB with 11%,
  • Polygon 10%,
  • Ethereum, Sui and Solana with 6% each.

Compared to the H1 2023 update, which also had BNB as the blockchain with the biggest amount of games falling off, Polygon overtook Ethereum towards the end of the year in terms of proportion of discontinued titles. Where Wemix was previously part of the five, Sui has now seen a larger number of games discontinued.

One high profile game that moved to discontinued was Goals, which raised $15 million in a seed round in 2022 and an additional $40 million in 2023, but has announced it’s no longer integrating blockchain. However, most of the discontinued games were much smaller projects from inexperienced and under-capitalized teams.

New blockchain games

During Q4 2023, the Big List also added 65 new games. Apart from the games that hasn’t announced which blockchain/s to deploy on, the largest number of new games – 11% – are multichain.

In terms of new games deploying on a single chain, the blockchains with the highest growth were

  • Arbitrum with 9%,
  • Optimism, Immutable and Ethereum with 8% each, followed by
  • StarkNet and Avalanche with 6%. 



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