Home Guides 2023 blockchain gaming review – BlockchainGamerBiz

2023 blockchain gaming review – BlockchainGamerBiz

2023 blockchain gaming review – BlockchainGamerBiz


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Another year goes by in the relatively short life of blockchain gaming and it’s still standing, it’s not gone to dust. In fact, despite overly dystopic predictions making headlines earlier in the year, the industry has seen a remarkable revival of positive sentiment in Q4.

This week on BlockchainGamer.biz we’ve kept busy sharing what some of the industry experts – including ZBD’s Ben Cousens and The Sandbox’s Sebastien Borget – think of the year that was and their expectations for 2024. Check out the full EOY 2023 series here.

We’ve also looked back through the archives to see which of our articles attracted most readers in 2023, and some might surprise you. Particularly good to notice that our deeper interviews and features are well received, as there’s certainly a lot of thought and attention poured into them.

But instead of our usual weekly news roundup, this last work week before the year draws to a close, we’ve gone all out in an hour-long 2023 year review in blockchain gaming.

This is cross-published with GamesTX’s Blockchain Gaming World podcast if you notice that the intro is a little different.

And with this, we’d like to wish you all happy holidays and look forward to tuning in again in 2024.



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