Home Guides BGA launches its state of the industry report for 2023

BGA launches its state of the industry report for 2023

BGA launches its state of the industry report for 2023


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Over recent weeks, the Blockchain Game Alliance has been running its annual questionnaire by its 390 member companies and 110 individuals who are based in over 70 countries, to get a snapshot of how the industry has weathered 2023 and what it’s looking forward to in 2024.

At a headline level, blockchain companies continue to overwhelmingly think the top benefit of the technology is providing gamers with ownership of their assets, although the ability to create new business models and offer rewards to players are also seen as important.

Nevertheless, most people think 2024 will be a slow year in terms of seeing adoption from traditional game companies, with the majority of respondents saying that most traditional developers won’t get involved at this stage.

Instead it will take time to overcome known challenges such as onboarding, marketing and the more general misconceptions about blockchain gaming that arose during the 2021/22 boom cycle.

Another interesting data point is that 44% of respondents are paid some proportion of their salary in crypto, with 18% being fully paid in crypto.

You can check out the full report, which includes details of the BGA’s board members and the activities carried out during 2023 via this link.



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