Home Guides Lattice prepares to launch Sky Strife season 0

Lattice prepares to launch Sky Strife season 0

Lattice prepares to launch Sky Strife season 0


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Fully onchain real-time turn-based strategy game Sky Strife from web3 tech and game developer Lattice has unveiled new details of its forthcoming season 0 release. 

While Sky Strife has undergone previous playtests, this is the longest-running one yet and the first time the game will deploy on Lattice’s Redstone Holesky Testnet. Additionally, it serves as a precursor to the release of its Redstone mainnet, which is slated sometime during early 2024 in conjunction with the Sky Strife season 1 launch and was built in conjunction with Optimism.

Running from 27th November through to 15th December, season 0 will see players compete in PVP matches, earn 🔮 token, and use their tokens to create new matches of various forms.

First announced at the Autonomous World event at the end of 2022, Sky Strife is built on Lattice-developed open source framework MUD. It’s a turn-based real-time strategy game in which players compete on islands to have the last settlement standing, all the while players aim to capture mines to gain gold and summon units to expand their armies. Players scoring first and second on the leaderboard are rewarded with ERC-20 token 🔮.

During the initial three days of season 0 – 27th to 30th November 30th – players can mint a free Season Pass which contains access to maps, the setting of entrance fees and rewards, as well as access to exclusive free matches.

You can read about about the game and how to get involved here.



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